By: Alex James

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

News: Political Comics. 17/07/10

Looking through the news I cam across this comic that was written about the catalonian constitution asking for Catalonia's nationhood that was recently rejected by the government. Thia cartoon portrays the catalan struggle for independence inside of a pressure cooker, with the cook (who i'm guessing is portraying spain) seemingly mocking the catalans.

This is an attitude i've started to pick up on among non-catalans. You try to bring up their request for independence or start a conversation about their epic march the other day, and you receive eye-rolls or heavy sighs of exasperation. 'They need to give it up' Is something i've heard a lot here, and it seems as though most people simply seem to blow off these seemingly serious requests, or just seem exasperated by the amount of effort and energy that Catalans put into preserving their culture. This cartoon illustrated that perfectly for me, and also included some slight foreshadowing of explosive eruptions that might be caused by the very non-chalant attitude that seems to pervade the rest of Spain in relation to Catalan independence.

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