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Now this is something I find interesting.
Recently, it has been decreed that the traditional Muslim garb worn by women in some sects, known as the burka, has been illegalized in public places. A burka is the garment shown above that covers every part of the woman except her eyes, and even then sometimes there is a screen used to cover the eyes. Now, the politicians are saying that their reasoning is because it is a danger, a threat - that someone wearing a burka could commit a crime and we would never know who they are because, of course, they're covered from head to toe. In class we talked about how many people this law would affect, and the answer was about ten. Ten people. That's it! Now, here are my problems with this law -
First: Why are we even worrying about such a small, insignificant problem? Considering some of the other crisis that spain has going on right now, why are we devoting so much time and energy to a law that will affect only ten people?
Second: Is there any real evidence that this is a problem? I have yet to read any factual evidence that the burka has been used to commit crimes. So they're spending time arguing over a hypothetical crime situation that applies to ten women? doesn't really make sense, and also, wouldn't it be EASIER to catch someone in a burka? Sure, you don't know what they look like but you know what they're wearing! Also I understand that perhaps someone else could don a burka and go on a crime spree, but until that happens (which it may not ever) why are we taking away a staple of these people's belief?
Third: This law is obviously targeted at immigrants and promotes taking away the rights of a select group of people who belong to a certain race and religion. I might understand better if this wasn't a well established and respected religion or if there was a huge population of people wearing burkes and we had encountered many problems, but should we take away cross necklaces because they're sharp and pointy and could be used to gouge someone's eyes out?
I guess overall I just feel a little dissapointed. I felt like barcelona was such an amazing melting pot of cultures and religions and people, and now that we are illegalizing certain parts of people's culture and religion I feel a little off about it. I also can't help but think also that this is simply an attack muslims in general - after 9/11 and the war on terrorism, there was a huge anti-muslim sentiment in the U.S. and plenty of attacks, harassment, and blatant racism directed towards people of middle eastern decent. 'They are dangerous' 'They are all terrorists' or 'he could be working for Al-queida' are things I have heard people say. I think inherently, deep down somewhere we feel that Muslims are dangerous, and subconsciously taking away their rights to their religion and culture makes us feel more comfortable. Would it be awkward to be in a classroom with a muslim girl and never know what she looks like? Yes. But they do it in plenty of countries with ease. I think we just need to have more open minds.
And for the record having an open mind doesn't mean only listening to open-minded ideas. It also means being open and accepting the extremely conservative as well.